Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC)  is a program hosted at 144 different universities nation-wide with several hundred more "cross-town" schools you can attend.  You can be a cadet for 2.5-5 years (depending on your degree, when you join, etc.) before earning a commission as a Second Lieutenant (2d Lt) in the USAF.  There are several other sites you can go to that will talk more about the specifics of getting a scholarship, etc.  First stop would be the official AFROTC site.  After that, look around sites like the Base Ops Forums' ROTC section and Wants Check.

My hope with this page is to just give you some practical tips and advise for ROTC as a whole.  ROTC as a whole can be very helpful or it can be absolutely miserable.  A lot of ROTC training is that you'll only get out of it what you put into it.  The best advice I can give anyone about any situation is, "Work hard, be good to your bro's, and do your best."  Don't worry about playing games so you'll get noticed or whatever. Do those 3 things above and people will notice you.  (Remember, it's a small Air Force and those kids you were a jerk to when you were an upperclassman could be in your UPT class... or your boss one day!!)  I guess you could say that you should treat others the way you want to be treated!  Lastly, don't be afraid to be innovative in your training, organization, etc when you're working at a job or on a project.  If someone asks you why you do something a particular way, you answer should never be, "I don't know- that's just the way we've always done it."  (This will carry onto active duty as well!)  There should be some kind of governing Air Force, AETC, AFROTC, or local regulation to provide guidance, but always look for an efficient way to do something- not just the easiest.  Just because the seniors made your life miserable when you were a sophomore doesn't mean you have to continue that "tradition" when you're an upperclassman!

As always, if you have any specific questions, you can use the "contact me" page to submit a question!

(For background sake, I had a four-year non-tech scholarship, and I went to a cross-town school that was about 30 minutes, without traffic, from the detachment.)